Dog Blog Regency Homes

I live in one of the regency homes around the northern part of the country. I am Enzo and someone lives with me downstairs named Ice. My birthday is this coming December 12. I love going outside, eating my favorite grilled pork with rice, and barking all around the village when passersby come along the street. I also love searching for things to play with like handkerchiefs, accessories, ribbons, baskets, and even papers. My love love owners will then scold me with matching fake spanking.
Every morning, I will wake up early and tag along my love love owners so that we can go outside and play. I love seeing our neighbors ogling at me because I am a beautiful dog. Until next time!

It's me, Enzo.


Karen In Style said...

Enzo is so cute! Are you going to participate in the forthcoming dog costume parade for the Halloween celebration? How about your kids?

In our case, we are going to participate in the Haunted Castle II Halloween party at Mount Sea Resorts in Cavite. My neighbor's kids are so excited for the forthcoming bash, especially that their cousins from the province are coming over to have a vacation with them.

Thanks for the photos!