According to Daily Mail website, "The mansion is on Jupiter Island, which is where some of the wealthiest people in the US live, including disgraced golfer Tiger Woods." Isn't interesting? Furthermore, the house has eight bedrooms split up in two guest rooms with a 460-square feet wardrobe area and a gym in the beach side cabana. Just let your mind to the first look at Celine Dion's Florida waterpark mansion. Or look at these pictures of the said waterpark mansion of Celine Dion.

Waterpark Mansion? Wow! Celine's home is really amazing.
I love water too. I like staying at resorts just for swimming and fine dining. When we visited Mount Sea Resorts, I enjoyed their food and also swimming.
Thanks for sharing Celine's home, Carl. It made me remember our Mount Sea Resorts visit and the Cavite Resort Philippines tour we had last summer.
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